'When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be'---Lao Tzu
Take this boy, this girl.
---See them gather into an all-out sprint.
One high knees, the other low knees.
One leans forward, the other straight.
---Each holds one end of the same unending smile.
They are moving at the same rate of speed--yes?
They look very different--no?
Where is their movement coming from?
As adults, what is it we have lost?
After all these years, I don't really know.
What do I know?---
As much us we try to 'fix' the outside, we limit the inside.
As we tighten our grip on form, form resists and balls up---
Those young smiles turn to a look of quizzical, knowing apprehension.
And that we are those children.
Let that place from which we move and teach remain boundless, tireless, and timeless.
Let us study form to lose form.
Today, the best athletes, dancers, musicians, and even ethical business leaders of the world
move fundamentally like children.